recherche et action en sciences sociales

LIBEAC : Liberalism in Between Europe and China

Reflecting on the issues of EU-China relationships, the program aims at developing a new understanding of liberalism in its economic,
political and social dimensions.
It involves a comparative analysis of the cultural differences in its interpretation and of the political discrepancies in its
enforcement, in particular with respect to economic, social and environmental rights in China and Europe in Modern times.
It is a multidisciplinary project based on a comparative study of European and Chinese political philosophy and political
economy, legal practice and philosophy of right.
The project stands at the confluence of two major issues for the European Union, in terms of internal policies as well as
external actions : 1/ the position and role of the European Union in the World and 2/ the present and future of Human Rights.
The first issue, on liberal civil society and the various types of market-enhanced economies, brings concerns such as the
World Trade Organization put forth recently when rebuking China’s application to be reckoned as a “market economy”. It
relates to the new partnerships that the European Union is building with China in the globalized World and in the aftermath
of the sovereign debt crisis. Our project is comparative as it focuses both on relationships between the European Union and
China in particular, and accommodates viewpoints from China’s neighbors
The second issue, involving the present enforcement and future potential implementation and/or revision of Human Rights
concepts, is addressed by focusing principally on the political, legal and economic aspects of the concept of Liberalism,
regarded as made of several traditions, from social liberalism to liberal theories of economics. The project thus aims at
disclosing cultural and political differences in terms of interpretation and of enforcement of “Liberalism” in China.
LIBEAC is geared towards finding useful criterion for EU decision-making and thus als means Liberalism for Action.

Vice-Scientific Coordinator : Jean-Yves Heurtebise

Email : jy.heurtebise[at]

Website :

Résurgences est soutenu sur le projet "LIBEAC : Liberalism in Between Europe and China" par :
  • IRSES, International Research Staff Exchange Programme.

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Résurgences est un “think-and-do-tank” de l’innovation sociale et des politiques publiques, qui met à profit les données ouvertes et les technologies numériques, 
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Partenaire de plusieurs projets internationaux de recherche scientifique, en partenariat avec plusieurs universités et groupes de recherche, résurgences accueille des chercheurs permanents, des doctorants et des chercheurs associés dont les travaux portent principalement sur les interactions sociales, leur formalisation et leur représentation (interactions langagières, dynamiques cognitives, réseaux sociaux).

Acteur de l’innovation, Résurgences a créé son propre système expert afin de fournir un environnement de travail souple et adapté à des enjeux spécifiques de développement dans le champ du Big Data et de l’Open Data.
Le système permet de développer des outils de simulation à grande échelle, et des mesures analytiques pour évaluer l’impact de politiques publiques. En traitant des masses de données importantes, qu’elles soient sémantiques, économiques, géographiques, sociales, le système permet de se concentrer sur les dynamiques sociales plutôt que sur des portraits statistiques.
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